Security Guard
Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng

Security Guard

Now I got upgrade myself, then go for my courses and things. And then just two years ago I finish my diploma – the diploma in security life and the other one is diploma in people and leadership! I take the course because after that my children grown up ah, I just want to be example that I can do it as a mum. And I want to show that I am a diploma holder. So that they will upgrade more and upgrade their studies lor.

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Food delivery rider
Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng

Food delivery rider

But the thing that I find the most annoying these few days is that because it is just so damn hot, there are not enough delivery riders on the road. So, foodpanda will prompt riders, especially those who have not worked in a while, to start working again. They will send like this kind of SMS that starts with “We have missed you! Come and work again to earn even greater incentives” What they do is that they will up your incentive by awarding extra $25 if we complete 35 orders and so on. All this to just motivate you to go out and work even though you don’t want to.

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Bus Captain
Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng

Bus Captain

So you see, the higher levels, they’re way too high up, they won’t ever see such things. All our schedules, all the adjustments, it’s done by them, but they’ve no idea what we’re going through. They’ll say, this is your own problem. If other people can meet the timing, why can’t you do it? Once they use this question on you, there’s really not much you can say. You know that saying, if you have bitterness, just swallow it yourself? This type of hardship we just have to swallow lor, there’s nothing we can do.

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Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng


Oh yeah definitely, moving over from Australia was very hard. Australia is very relaxed, especially in Western Australia, it’s a very relaxed lifestyle. So it’s very easygoing, a lot of working space. Singapore… Singapore is just full on. Pre-covid I was just like getting used to how busy things are here, everything’s like rushed rushed rushed. It is a different lifestyle, and I found that it takes a bit of getting used to.

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Motorcycle Mechanic
Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng

Motorcycle Mechanic

That’s why when you have your own business, it’s good, but not say sure earn one, you know. Not guarantee. Sometimes you will lose also. That’s why must give and take lor. Only Singapore government can earn 100 per cent ah!

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Stay-at-home mum
Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng

Stay-at-home mum

I am pretty happy with how my kids have turned out. It’s how I measure my success. I don’t mean in terms of academics or other success. The other part – values, morals – are important things to me.

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Second-hand book seller
Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng

Second-hand book seller

So, if you have money, and no family, Singapore is very good. Actually, last time when I working for my father, I have no family, no commitments, I just get salary and enjoy my life. Last time, I always telling my friends, no way I am coming back to India. I don’t like India, all people so corrupt and the pollution is so bad. Job also little money. I don’t want to go back India, but I have to go back in 4-5 years time because I am a PR. The government give my father citizenship, I think around 1992 because he working here, so after that he apply PR for me and my brother. I got my PR in 1997 when I was still studying in India. Last time, PR, citizenship all easy, they don’t check CPF, not like now. My brother quickly change to citizen and he and my father keep telling me to apply for citizenship. But I never care. Now, I make it too late. Only, now when my wife [from Tamil Nadu, on a Long-term Visit pass] expecting only, I apply because I want my child get good education in Singapore. This is my father’s dream also. But I was rejected. My wife also rejected from PR. Now my child cannot be a citizen, even if he born here. Don’t know if he can get PR also. Now, they see how rich you are. That’s why all other rich Indians, they all get citizen, but I work here, live here, for 15 years, no citizen.

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Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng


You join this line, you have to like it. You must concentrate, have patience, and be cool… Cannot hot temper. You must have patience with each one, love it, work with it slowly, work with love… Only then will you get the good results you want. If not, here got problem, there got problem, cannot work finish one! To some people, it's very boring, very annoying. But if the job is very annoying, I say just let go, stop for the night. If not, if you got anger, when you hold the parts, it will all fly, then cannot find!

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Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng


Aiyah…sitting here to watch the shop is good la. I have so many friends here. If not, go where? Other people ask me, why don’t you rent out your shop? Every month you can make a few thousand dollars. I tell them, hey I don’t need the money eh. This whole morning, I haven’t even spent a cent! What am I going to do with a few thousand dollars? Earn what money? This shop is fully paid up! If we can sell things and pass the days it’s good enough, no need to earn any more money.

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Harbour pilot
Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng

Harbour pilot

I always tell myself: “The day when I am complacent; I think that I am safe, is the day when accidents will happen.” So I always go out with this small little fear that something will happen. But it’s this little fear that will keep me on my toes, and make sure that I watch out for things.

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Shi Wen Ng Shi Wen Ng


Then I thought to myself – do I still want to be a server? In the future, when my kids have to fill in forms about their parents’ occupation, do I want them to write ‘waitress’?

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